
To Be Free

Just popping in quickly to thank everyone for traipsing through here of late. I feel bad that I'm not returning the love around the ether as much as usual these days {{not that I was ever so brilliant at that!}}, but I've given into the idea that there is only so much one two handed working mother can do in the two short weeks leading up to a house move.

Man, I am doing a MASSIVE declutter and it is so liberating. Magazines that have moved house with me at least twice are no longer, even some of the furniture that I felt fill my heart with joy when I unearthed it in the back of some grimy second hand is getting the cut too.
I wonder if I'm taking things too far, but, for as long as I smile when I ditch something, I'm going to keep going.

Thanks for not ditching me and being patient while I get things sorted. Moving day is October 4th, and until then its time for me to keep powering on.

Image via to be free is a state of mind


Heather Feemster said...

Ditching the past is the best ever, enjoy your new space!!!

la la Lovely said...

Getting rid of stuff is so liberating.. enjoy! Hope the move is going well and that you love the new place!
xo Trina

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