
Do A Girl A Favour...

...and go and buy one, or all, of these beautiful things that are haunting me on Etsy. {Click each image to take you direct to the shop} {{go on, seriously}}. With my real estate shopping outing yesterday, I fear that there will be little coin to spread about the Etsy ether in the months to come. Damn Perth real estate market!! I haven't bought anything just yet, but i think I have finally sold, so there's one part of the equation done. Just need to get my head around the seven figures required to make a purchase where I want to be.

Apologies, but have been a bit preoccupied this week to pay proper attention to who I need to thank for some love, but a quick last minute one I just noticed is from....

But of course, thanks to each and all for dropping in for a Diversion to go this week, and I hope that Blogger gets its act together soon so I can drop by and let you know I've been!

May be MIA for a few days here and there over the week ahead, three day headaches and real estate stalking are taking their toll.

Click on all images for source and store


Claudia Lane said...

This is a most inspiring post...
Enjoy your Sunday:))

Kerry said...

Good luck with it all bloss. It's exhausting and nerve wracking and bloody annoying, until you find the right thing and then it's great :))

Mise said...

The knitted handbag is wonderful! Take it easy - time enough to go blog-visiting next week or next month or never. Remember there's NEVER any obligation. Best take your headache to bed till you're better.

Anne-Marie @ 10 Rooms said...

Ah, Etsy. I have to control myself in the art department. so many originals for a pittance. That falcon poster is already gone (see? first one I went to!) so you can let that one go, lol.. glad to hear you've sold, Jules, now for the fun part..

David Toms said...

Lets hope that the real estate gods really start smiling soon!

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