
Haven Of Luxury

The images of this mountain retreat made my pupils dilate. The entry made me do it. Naturally I love everything I show you, but that entry is seriously one of the best things I've seen.

The other little snippets I love here are the oodles of texture - on the floors, on the beds, on the walls and the ceilings. It feels like a little soft haven of luxury and natural style.

Images from iria degen


Unknown said...

this is ME - and i mean ME - i love how they totally work with the low ceilings with the low furniture and live it up - PERFECT!

PS … ~Join In on the Tiptoe Butterfly Necklace Give-Away Here~

*kiss kiss*
Erika @ ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

Mlle Paradis said...

so much here i've missed out on these last days! loved the lamps in entryway (magic, magic!) - that would totally do it for me, plus the vaulted ceilings at the end.

MAZEL TOV! as they say in NYC for the shoutout in the mag. (You know you do what you do well!)

And the "closely resembles" post. Yeah except for the crazy stool in the bathroom, I would move right in!

Cheers Jules!

debra@dustjacket said...

I see what you mean about the entry, wow!

Loving the light in #3 and the ceiling in #4. Like it all really.

ALR said...

I would certainly say this is a retreat. I want to jump on that bed and curl up in the cozy cover. I love the light above the dining table.

Amy R.

Lady Grey said...

what a spacious home. Incredible! That ceiling is pretty impressive too!

Melissa de la Fuente said...

No kidding....that entryway, those LIGHTS?! Wow...

Mariska Meijers said...

amazing and if there is snow as well outside: heaven!

Anonymous said...

This looks heavenly! Take me there now!

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