

I really love it when people decide, 'you know what, that's my thing', and just go for it. Case in point, this house. I mean, I love a bit of lilac and lavender (particularly when mixed with a solid dose of grey, black and white) but I couldn't do this extent of it. Regardless of that though, I love this place.

Its the courage of the conviction that wins me over. I think its the same in fashion, work and dating - if you have the confidence to pull it off, you can! Its quite infectious really.

Images by JF Jaussaud


Kerry said...

And perhaps not giving a toss what anyone else thinks! I quite like that :) I'm very taken with those violet dining chairs.

Paper Tree Studio said...

I know what you mean and I agree with Kerry - you have to not worry about what others think! Unfortunately, I do find this hard to overcome myself.
Love the kitchen - the window treatments make the space look really expensive and elegant. Michelle

A Perfect Gray said...

Yes! I do so agree. Conviction. Attitude.

they make it...

Raina Cox said...

Bless the color fearless among us.

Mise said...

You're so right - it's not for me, but it's conviction thought through and carefully applied. And I've been meaning to tell you I love your post titles; always intriguing little snippets that make me click to see what you have to say.

Anonymous said...

Oh, me too. I so admire people who do this because I'm so the opposite - always changing my mind. I think life must be so much easier that way!

Sarah B said...

I agree, so many people are so obsessed with doing what is considered fashionable - I say do what you love!

debra@dustjacket said...

I hope I get a little more courageous with my decisions and just go with what I what.xxx

la la Lovely said...

I think you are completely right! It would be too much for me but the pictures do make me happy and they are pretty... esp. love that purple painted cabinet. gorgeous!
xo Trina

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