
Very Easy

What a breath of fresh air this home is. The views are simply amazing. I think I'd floss for hours if that were my bathroom!

Also the simple sealed concrete floors, white walls, stunning art and original Eames' make this gorgeous home very easy on the eye.

Images from bo bedre


Jules said...

Jules I really love that floor and the simplicity of the furnishings.

Lee said...

What a great home - very easy on the eye!

The House That A-M Built said...

That is the most beautiful bathroom ever. Big statement but true. A-M xx

Audrey said...

i could live there! without any doubt :)

sharon santoni at my french country home said...

I'd love to know how they got that particular colour and finish to the concrete floor - beautiful
My French Country Home

Anonymous said...

i like this home - and thank the lord, no splashes of color (my pet hate - either do it or don't!)

Lady Grey said...

that stairway is unbelievable!! I love the black stairs agains the light brick... it's gorgeous!

David Toms said...

The polished cement floors are wonderful! I ahve always wanted high gloss floors like this

Diana Mieczan said...

Awww I am in love!
This place has so much natural light and the walls are amazing
Happy Tuesday,sweetie

Mlle Paradis said...

so simple and so right! yup, i did think that earlier post w/ the blk b/r and suzani was your house. someday you'll share some more!?

Unknown said...

Stunning! I love the fresh white walls, concrete floors and amazing artwork- the chandelier in the staircase is amazing!! Thanks for the pics xo

Anonymous said...

We had concrete floors in our last house and I miss them so much! They were the best - so low maintenance but looked great.

debra@dustjacket said...

Mmm I love that view....I smiled when I spotted your floors...that's what I call them now.

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

ohhhh to have concrete floors! Beautiful home. Love that whitewashed brick as well.

Samantha said...

I woulod dustmop on rollerskates if I lived here.

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