
Easy Cool

My preoccupation with all things Spring seems to be digging in its heels. This place struck me as a gorgeous slice of fresh air. Any place labelled as a ''summer house'' is OK with me.
But I really love the easy cool style of that master bedroom {must amp up my op shop cane shopping schedule}. It just has a lovely holiday house feel.
And that vintage plate and painted mural in the last image is so pretty - great idea for a child's room no?
Images from bolig


  1. The mural and plates are simply brilliant - not sure how long the plates would stay on the wall in a kid's room...but now I'm just being picky...! It is quite fabulous. x

  2. Love all of those images but especially the first one. What a spot to nap, right? Perfection.

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Thanks heaps for leaving me a juicy note, so glad you do! jules :)